Monday, July 28, 2008

Why did I choose New Zealand..!!

During the last days of high school, I was thinking of studying overseas because it is always better to get a degree from outside your country. When I finished high school I got marks which are not that good so in that moment it was sure that I'm going to study overseas. My older brother was in New Zealand at the time and he was just studying English, he liked it here very much and he said it is a perfect place for studying. My family felt sad of course as well as they were happy because it is my future ! My brother of course after my father was the biggest reason that I came here because I trust him. when I first came to study English I actually liked it ! After spending my first 5 months away from home I felt homesick and that was the only time I had the feeling. When I finished my General English course I went back home for two months and came back here again, since then I'm feeling ok. Now I'm here, studying foundation and planning to study marketing for my degree. After all I think Christchurch is a perfect place for studying.

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