Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Dream Life..!!


First of all I'd like to say that I wasn't going alone, my brother, my father and his wife were coming with us as well. My father had a vacation at the time so he thought that he could come with us and have some good time. Before the day we were travelling we had a very big dinner with all family and friends. When the day came, my sisters came to our house, and some friends as well who were gonna come to the airport with us. The moments before going to the airport were very sad, my mum and sisters were crying because it's the first time that my brother and I were going to be away for a long time. Anyway when we arrived to the airport with our friends and of course my father and his wife, we talked for like half an hour and then it was time to go so we said goodbye to each other and there kind of stuff. Our flight was (Jeddah - Abu-Dhabi - Singapore - Christchurch) but we stayed in Singapore for like 4 days for shopping and stuff and then we went to Christchurch. It was a bit cold and raining the time we arrived, we got 2 rooms in a Motel in Riccarton road for like two weeks until we found a house to rent. I started the next Monday in CCEL not in the UC, because I wanted General English first, my English wasn't bad thou. That's how my departure was..!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

My School..!!

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Why did I choose New Zealand..!!

During the last days of high school, I was thinking of studying overseas because it is always better to get a degree from outside your country. When I finished high school I got marks which are not that good so in that moment it was sure that I'm going to study overseas. My older brother was in New Zealand at the time and he was just studying English, he liked it here very much and he said it is a perfect place for studying. My family felt sad of course as well as they were happy because it is my future ! My brother of course after my father was the biggest reason that I came here because I trust him. when I first came to study English I actually liked it ! After spending my first 5 months away from home I felt homesick and that was the only time I had the feeling. When I finished my General English course I went back home for two months and came back here again, since then I'm feeling ok. Now I'm here, studying foundation and planning to study marketing for my degree. After all I think Christchurch is a perfect place for studying.

Monday, July 14, 2008

About me..!!

Hello everyone, i'm RiNo and i'm from Jeddah (Saudi Arabia). The most crowded and the most beautiful city in the country, or that's how I see it ! The suburb I live in is quite, we haven't moved from the house since my oldest sister was born. I have two sisters and one brother, and i'm the youngest(>.<). I attended only two schools in my whole life; one is the KG school (Noor Al-maaref) and the other one is (Al-manarat Jeddah school) and it was from grade one until the last year of high school.

Super Mario Game

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