Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Daily Life..!!

Well, There are huge differences and a few similarities. First thing I can think of is the food !! That's kind of problem I'm having here ! Of course I'm not going to talk about my mum's cooking because I'll never find something like it ! So it's kind of the most thing I miss out here. Another thing is the weather ! It is very cold here, or at least Winter ! No body can predict the weather here because we might have ''sun, rain, wind and cold'' in a day ! Sometimes I don't like the weather her when it's very cold, but most of the time I like it because back home we don't experience this kind of cold or at least in Jeddah, we have cold and snow in other regions of the country. Back home are my best friends who I get to see every day, always together so it's kind of fun. It's true that I have friends here, but nothing like ''best friends''. I like driving here much more than in Saudi ! Here it's very simple, you just follow the rules and everything should be fine. The people are really nice in driving. they respect the driving rules so I really respect this. Back home driving is ''Crazy'' seriously ! Last time I went for a holiday, I sensed how comfortable I was driving here ! So I let the driver drive instead 'LOL'. It's safer in Saudi, when I used to walk or ride buses at night, some people they just look for a trouble, they talk to you with bad words and stuff , and drunk people as well, While back in Saudi I never feel afraid or in danger, and we don't have drunk people walking around and looking for troubles !! I've learned a lot of stuff here, like cleaning (my room, the floor, the kitchen, my car), doing the laundry and a bit of cooking. I feel like I'm a responsible person now ! I didn't use to do anything back home, everything was being done by others. Coming to NZ is a big step that I've made, and i hope it'll be for my own good in the future. :-)

Reasons why I've chosen my courses..!!

First I'd like to say that I'm a business guy not a science one ! so anything that contains business stuff I'm in. At the beginning the only choice I had was to take Foundation studies 'commerce' so I took it. To be honest, choosing courses is the most difficult thing that ever happened to me ! Until now I'm still not 100% sure of what am I going to study ! First I was planning to study Finance but I've found out that it's to hard for me, after that my father told me take Marketing, I thought "but my brother is going to study marketing" so I'd like to study something different ! In the mean time, I'm thinking of "Information System" but I haven't told anyone yet. Probably IS is the thing I'm going to study if nothing new came up. The reason why I've chose IS is because I'm interested in computers. I love working on computers, so anything contains computer work I'm the first one who will say yes I'll do it. That's all and I hope everything goes as I want.

Super Mario Game

What do you think of my game ?!